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Different Marketing Rules for Different Waste Businesses.

October 31, 20232 min read

If you are a small waste company owner, this advice is for you.

Being a business owner means one thing: you need clients to survive.

Indeed, without clients, there is no business.

But we both know how difficult it is to acquire new customers and how difficult it is to transform them into clients.

Let’s start first of all with the different needs connected with the different types of waste businesses.

A small waste company doesn’t need a flux of thousands of leads a month, on the contrary, it needs a flux of a few leads a month and a marketing approach that nurtures its customer list. The marketing goal is customer retention plus a small percentage of new leads.

A junk removal company needs a constant flux of new leads to convert into customers because the business model it follows is different. For junk removal, the marketing approach should be focused on lead generation and customer acquisition.

Starting from this, an important distinction appears:

– a small waste management company should nurture its actual customers' database by sharing information and helpful things to educate them on how they can reduce their waste and save tons of natural resources (as an example), contributing to saving the planet plus a not intensive lead generation process (if the business is consolidated).

– a junk removal business should educate its target audience on leveraging the old stuff they want to remove by using its service and selling the old items using your warehouse as a physical marketplace(as an example).

These two cases express how different the marketing these two types of waste companies should use to promote themselves and how different the challenge is to transform customers into clients.

The small waste management company marketing should drive the education around something that its audience can save in terms of natural resources, and it should leverage the people's commitment around something that can give an advantage to the local community or the coming generations.

On the other hand, junk removal marketing should work on lead generation to have a vast audience where only a small percentage (around 15%-20%) will become interested in using the warehouse as a physical marketplace for their old goods/items/stuff. In that case, the conversion from customer to client will touch only the small percentage that decides to use the marketplace.

If you are in one of these two positions and your marketing is not following one of these approaches, your business is at risk.

Indeed, as I wrote a few lines above, without clients, there is no business.

I’ve a solution with you.

Click HERE to schedule a free marketing consultation call (valued $ 500.00).

Be the Change!


Founder of M4W - Marketing4Waste

#wastemanagement #junkremoval #recycling #marketing

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Sam Barrili

Sam Barrili I'm known as the go-to guy for helping waste management companies execute growth strategies I started my journey in this field in 2009 when I finished my degree in Toxicological Chemistry and joined a wastewater treatment company to develop its market. Since then, I helped dozens of waste management companies in America and Europe increase their annual profits by over 25 million dollars thanks to my SAM Method.

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