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Is Correct Waste Management the Key to Boosting The Local Economy?

Is Correct Waste Management the Key to Boosting The Local Economy?

August 29, 20227 min read

Find out how your waste company can support the local economy by introducing a marketing system.

I know you are wondering “but my company already supports the local economy.”

Well, keep a hold on for a second.

In fact, in this article, I am going to show you how your waste management company, really, is a veritable gold mine of raw materials that can support the growth of your community’s economy.

But before I do that, I want to explain to you why your claim that “it is already benefiting the local economy” is only a notion in your head and not based on the actual facts.

I know this may sound rough, but shortly I am sure you will be on my side.

I’ll start with your waste management company, a locally held family business that handles municipal solid waste collection in the neighborhood where you do business.

A large number of your employees may have been your schoolmates, or they could be your relatives, meaning you have a relationship with them that goes far beyond a professional one: in most cases you are friends.

You meet them when you take your children to school when you take them to baseball games, and in some cases you spend time together after work, perhaps relaxing over a cold beer.

In short, you are all one big family.

And considering the number of employees your company has, including drivers, operators, staff in the plant, and staff in the offices, it is natural to think that your company supports the economic development of the community. 

In fact, at least 100 families live directly off the wages you pay. Not to mention that they spend part of their earnings in local stores. This is probably the reason for your thinking.

I am not saying that your thinking is wrong.

But what I am about to tell you instead is something much more impactful.

As I have already pointed out to you, your waste management company is a gold mine of raw materials. Only that these raw materials, unfortunately, do not have the fate they deserve.

What do I mean by that?

Simple: these are frequently discarded as waste because “handling it is not convenient” or, in many situations, it is preferable to send it to a “waste-to-energy” facility rather than processing it.

In other words, they are more of a cost than a gain for your company.

Yet they are not.

And now you will understand why.

As I stated in the introduction of this article, you will learn how your waste management company can promote the growth of the local economy by implementing a marketing system.

But before we go any further I must reiterate what marketing is.

Yes, there are many businesses talking about viral marketing, digital marketing, social media marketing, and more.

However, marketing is made up of a number of procedures that, when put into practice, are meant to assist in selling your goods and/or services to a market that is interested in them.

Marketing is nothing more than a sequence of processes that when implemented are intended to sell your products or services to an audience that wants them.

Nothing more and nothing less than an orderly sequence of processes.

Sort of like that sequence you put in place when you changed the organic waste compactor you have in the warehouse.

Being a sequence of processes, its implementation is made up of many actions aimed at something. Typically they range from increasing the number of customers to increasing turnover and/or repositioning the company in the market.

I know you are wondering, “but what does this have to do with my company being widely recognized in my community?”

Well, remember I told you that implementing a marketing process is critical to growing and developing the local economy?

This is the point.

Your waste management company to date is strong and well-known because it collects waste in your community.

Yet it has a limitation. 

Its limitation is that it is unable to exploit the mine of secondary raw materials it owns and produces from waste collection, to create an economy.

Yes, I said it: it is unable to exploit the mine of secondary raw materials.

In fact, I am sure that if I analyze your business model, your company’s main source of income is the sale of waste collection.

Whether you then sell this service to the municipality or directly to people is not important.

The point is that your company makes its living from waste collection.

This is to be expected given that this the business model of 95 percent of waste management companies. I don’t fault it since, until 30-40 years ago, talking about reusing waste in other applications was science fiction from Back to The Future II where Doc Brown used waste to power the DeLorean.

Well now instead this is a reality and I would add, given some of the raw material shortages that have occurred in the past year.

Unfortunately, only a small number of people have realized the advantage that can be had in changing the business model in favor of a business model, where the goal is to have a strong waste collection that get you significant amounts of secondary raw materials that you can resell. 

It is these secondary raw materials that foster the development of local manufacturing industries that can use them to produce new goods.

This means fostering the economic development of the community.

Using a simple example, think of what would happen if all the glass or plastic that you collect in your community was reused in a local factory where bottles or containers are produced?

In no time, the secondary raw materials that originate from your waste processing would find application a few miles from your plant.

And your company would find itself selling the production of secondary raw materials almost before its production.

Not bad, right? This is because this situation generates a double benefit: one for your company, which sells the secondary raw materials, and one for the production company that buys them. 

In fact, the latter gains in market competition. I am referring to competition on production time, which is increasingly pressing.

Reducing transportation time would enable it to have a prestigious lead time hence becoming competitive in the market.

In short, it is a win-win situation for everybody.

That’s why I told you early on that a waste management company can support the local economy. 

I know you are now asking, “but what does marketing have to do with it?”

Well, now I get to the most important part of this article.

The introduction of a marketing system is the only one that can make the development I described to you possible.

And do you know why?

I’ll make it simple: it is the only system that can increase the quantity and quality of the waste you collect and create a consequent forecast of secondary raw material production.

And that’s good on one side.

At the same time, it is also the only one that can create the market for the sale of the secondary raw materials that will be produced within your plant.

And this is all because of the knowledge, of your target audience.

Yes, I am referring to the knowledge of the citizens of your community.

The ones you already think you know.

It all starts from there.

When you know who you are dealing with you can not only understand how to recover waste but also how to intercept it before it is produced.

Yes, you read that right: before waste is produced.

And you don’t have to be a soothsayer to figure that out.

It’s all about knowledge.

Because as shown by the various indicators also used by the Mass Media (newspapers, magazines, etc.), if a neighborhood has a shopping mall it is normal that the volume of purchases to be higher, and consequently the volume of waste produced is higher.

At the same time if a neighborhood has a higher standard of living it is normal that there is a higher production of waste and also a greater awareness of the importance of sorting. 

These are just two of the many indicators that it is important to put in place as you decide to enter into this new business model.

And believe me when I say that the earlier you do it, the better.

In fact, as has already happened to brands in other industries such as RedBull, CocaCola, Rolex, and many others, the ones that came first in their category, or even created it, are the ones that still today, hundreds of years later (in the case of CocaCola), still hold the market leadership.

So if you want to structure a marketing process that will make your Waste Management company a driving force for your community’s economy, all you have to do is schedule a Strategic Call by clicking HERE.

Be the Change


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Sam Barrili

Sam Barrili I'm known as the go-to guy for helping waste management companies execute growth strategies I started my journey in this field in 2009 when I finished my degree in Toxicological Chemistry and joined a wastewater treatment company to develop its market. Since then, I helped dozens of waste management companies in America and Europe increase their annual profits by over 25 million dollars thanks to my SAM Method.

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