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The Ultimate Market Analysis and Sales Strategy

The Ultimate Market Analysis and Sales Strategy For Waste Companies

March 29, 20233 min read

The Ultimate Market Analysis and Sales Strategy For Waste Companies

The waste management industry is crucial in ensuring a cleaner and healthier environment. Therefore, an effective sales strategy is essential to succeed in this competitive market and increase your company's turnover.

This article provides an easy and quick approach to help you identify the perfect sales strategy for your waste management company and offers insights into creating an efficient sales department.

First of all, to get predictable long-term clients, you should first go deep into the market analysis, answering these questions:

  1. What is the average size of the market?  

The market size varies depending on the region, and it is essential to analyze the local market size to understand the growth potential.

  1. Who are your direct competitors? 

Direct competitors are companies offering similar waste management services, such as municipal waste collection, recycling collection, and hazardous waste management. They may vary in size, from small local businesses to large corporations.

  1. Who are your indirect competitors?  

Indirect competitors are companies providing alternative waste management solutions, such as junk removal, waste-to-energy technologies, or waste reduction initiatives. While they offer different services, their answers can impact the demand for traditional waste management services.

  1. What are they offering and why? What are they missing? 

Understanding what competitors offer and identifying gaps in their services can help you differentiate your company and tailor your offerings to meet customer needs. Analyze their pricing, service quality, and customer satisfaction to identify opportunities for improvement. Then, consider what problems customers face with competitors and design solutions that address those issues.

  1. What type of waste is mainly produced in the area? 

The type of waste primarily produced in an area depends on the region's industrial, commercial, and residential activities. Common types include municipal solid waste, construction and demolition waste, hazardous waste, and recyclables. Identifying the predominant waste types in your target area will help you tailor your services and marketing approach.

  1. Do your competitors have a sales team? Yes or No?

Your competitors may have a dedicated sales team, which can be an essential factor in their success. To stay competitive, consider employing a sales team that understands the market and can effectively communicate your services' risks and financial benefits.

  1. What sales team and sales strategy do you need?

The sales strategy should vary depending on the type of waste management service you provide:

  1. Municipal Waste Collection: A door-to-door sales team is recommended, as they can build relationships with customers, reducing the risk of losing clients to competitors.

  2. Recyclable Collection: A team of phone sellers is suitable for this segment, as they can offer advantages directly via phone calls, quickly resolving customer issues.

  3. Hazardous Waste Collection and Management: An expert in hazardous waste must build a symbiotic relationship with customers and ensure proper waste handling.

Then, after analyzing and answering all those questions, you build your sales strategy and create your sales script.

Sales Script and Sales Strategy

Create a sales script based on market analysis and customer pain points. This script is a conversation starting point, allowing your sales team to address customer concerns and showcase your company's advantages.

Tracking Results

You can implement a system to track the results provided by your sales team, making sure that their efforts align with your company's growth objectives.


Applying the insights from this market analysis and sales strategy guide will help you create an efficient sales department, expand your customer base, and increase customer retention. In addition, by understanding your competitors, target audience, and your region's specific waste management needs, you can better position your company for success in the waste management industry.

Be aware that very few companies are doing this in-depth analysis, and that’s why most of them are struggling.

That's why every company that approaches me for assistance in boosting their client base and revenue is astounded by the exceptional outcomes we help them attain simply by implementing this strategy.

Apply this to your company and let me know how this helps your company writing me at

Sam Barrili

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Sam Barrili

Sam Barrili I'm known as the go-to guy for helping waste management companies execute growth strategies I started my journey in this field in 2009 when I finished my degree in Toxicological Chemistry and joined a wastewater treatment company to develop its market. Since then, I helped dozens of waste management companies in America and Europe increase their annual profits by over 25 million dollars thanks to my SAM Method.

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