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Neighborhood Event

Use This Free Event Model In Your Neighborhoods To Easily Get Long-Term Clients Out Of Your Competitors And Quickly Increase Your Turnover

March 22, 20233 min read

If you are seeking the easiest way to get clients, grow your business, improve public relations, and build brand recognition in your community…

This value-bomb article is exactly what you need right now! 

Follow these ten steps to creating a captivating event centered on recycling, waste segregation, and plastic collection, benefiting the environment and your bottom line. Implementing this marketing strategy will increase turnover, steady leads, robust brand reputation, and invaluable market insights. 

This is only one of our many strategies for our clients, and we’re consistently achieving astonishing results. So act fast and gain a competitive edge!

Let’s dive in!

Step 1: Create a Free Event

Imagine an event that educates the local community on responsible waste management while engaging and informative, such as an event centered around recycling, waste segregation, or plastic collection. Offer food and beverage to connect with attendees and gain their trust.

This will help you build a strong relationship with them and choose you over your competitors. By investing as little as $2,500 overall, you can secure their participation, garnering increased interest, and support for your event.

Step 2: Choose a Neighborhood

Select a neighborhood where you want to launch the event. Focus on areas where there is a lack of awareness or a pressing need for waste management solutions. Ask yourself: “Which area can I get the most out of such an event like that?”

Step 3: Involve the Community

To create a sense of unity and excitement, involve key community stakeholders such as the local church, mayor, and sports teams. Use any way to promote your event. Word of mouth, flyers, etc.

Step 4: Craft the Invitation Letter

Compose a personalized letter that invites residents to the event. Use our example as a template, modifying it to fit your specific context. Make sure each letter is hand-signed to add a personal touch Example of an invitation letter.

Step 5: Send the Letter to the Neighborhood

Send a letter to all the habitants of the area inviting them to the event. You can buy the neighborhood list on and then use this service to send your letters to everyone. Otherwise, you can create some flyers.

Step 6: Address the Issues and Offer Solutions at the Event

During the event, discuss the problems and risks associated with improper waste management, such as health hazards. Instead of promoting your service directly, present a solution that attendees can try immediately. Encourage them to provide their name and phone number to your team members, who should be easily identifiable in branded t-shirts or jackets.

Step 7: Gather Participants' Information and Offer Incentives

Collect essential data (names, emails, addresses, and phone numbers) from all participants. Offer them a gift or bonus as an incentive, and ask them to express their interest to your staff. This way, you can follow up with these potential leads later.

Step 8: Launch Your Collection Service the Next Day

The day after the event, contact the interested participants to launch your waste collection service. This timely follow-up will capitalize on the momentum of the event.

Step 9: Check-in and Gather Reviews During the First Month

During the first 30 days of the free trial, call your new subscribers to gauge their satisfaction with the service. If they're happy, ask for a review and offer an additional free month of service as a reward for committing to a one-year subscription paid in advance.

Step 10: Rinse and Repeat for Continuous Lead Generation

Repeat this process as many times as necessary to generate a constant stream of leads for your business. This strategy will help you grow your customer base and boost your brand recognition in the community.

Simple as that!

With a modest $2,500 investment and a few weeks of preparation, you'll have a fantastic opportunity to build your reputation and gain your potential clients' trust. Act quickly before other waste management companies in the area implement this strategy, as it may be challenging to regain market trust.

Hope this helped.

Please then let me know when you try this event model and what the results are.

Sam Barrili

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Sam Barrili

Sam Barrili I'm known as the go-to guy for helping waste management companies execute growth strategies I started my journey in this field in 2009 when I finished my degree in Toxicological Chemistry and joined a wastewater treatment company to develop its market. Since then, I helped dozens of waste management companies in America and Europe increase their annual profits by over 25 million dollars thanks to my SAM Method.

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