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Digital Marketing is Overvalued: Why Traditional Marketing is the Key for Small Waste Companies

January 24, 20243 min read

Let's face it: digital marketing, with its skyrocketing costs, may not be the silver bullet it's often made out to be, especially for you, a small waste company owner. 

In the era where big brands dominate online spaces with hefty budgets, it's time to turn the tide in your favor. 

Let's talk about how traditional marketing—yes, the good old letters, postcards, magazines—can be your secret weapon in the competitive commercial waste collection industry.

Understanding Your Target Audience

Before diving into any marketing strategy, it's crucial to know who you're talking to. 

Your target audience isn't just "businesses that need waste collection." It's more specific. 

Are they small local restaurants, construction sites, or office buildings? 

Each of these has different needs and challenges, and your marketing should speak directly to them.

The Power of Tangible Marketing

There's something about holding a physical piece of marketing that creates a connection. 

In a world bombarded with digital ads, a well-designed postcard or a thoughtful letter can stand out. 

It’s tangible, it’s real, and it doesn’t come with the annoyance of pop-up ads.

1. Direct Mail Campaigns: A Personal Touch

Imagine a restaurant owner receiving a personalized letter detailing how your waste collection services are tailored to their specific needs, like organic waste from kitchens. 

This approach shows that you understand their business and are not just another faceless company.

2. Local Magazines and Flyers: Community Presence

Advertising in local magazines or distributing flyers in a targeted neighborhood can position you as a community-focused service provider. 

It's not just about advertising; it's about building trust and recognition within the community you serve.

3. Events and Workshops: Face-to-Face Interaction

Hosting or participating in local events and workshops about sustainable waste management can put a face to your company's name. 

These interactions can lead to meaningful relationships and a deeper understanding of your clients' needs.

Cost-Effectiveness of Traditional Marketing

One of the most significant advantages you have as a small waste company is the cost-effectiveness of traditional marketing. The average Cost-Per-Click (CPC) on platforms like Instagram and Facebook has been on the rise; in contrast, a direct mail campaign can be more economical and yield a higher return on investment, especially when targeting a local or specific audience.

Building a Strong Community Connection

Your strength lies in being local and understanding your community's unique challenges. Traditional marketing allows you to emphasize this advantage. 

Whether sponsoring a local sports team or having a column in a community magazine, these efforts can build a strong connection with your audience.

Measuring Success

Like digital campaigns, where clicks and impressions are the metrics, traditional marketing success is measured through simple systems, you can use a dedicated phone number to keep track, you can use a dedicated email address to keep track of the answers, you can involve an employee to call all the people you mailed to know if they received the letter/postcard and if they want to go ahead, and more. 

Keep track of responses from direct mail, inquiries after a local magazine ad, or the number of connections made at a community event.


In the age where digital marketing is becoming increasingly expensive and competitive, it's time for you, the small waste company owner, to rethink your strategy.

Traditional marketing isn't just an alternative; it's a viable, cost-effective way to reach your target audience, build community connections, and grow your business in the commercial waste sector.

Remember, sometimes the old ways are not just the best; they are your way to success.

Do you want to know more?

Text me CALL at (727) 307-2695, and I'll call you back to schedule a free consultation.

All the best


Founder of M4W - Marketing For Waste

Traditional Marketing for Waste CompaniesSmall Waste Business MarketingCommercial Waste Collection MarketingDirect Mail Marketing StrategiesLocal Advertising for Waste ManagementCommunity Engagement Waste ServicesWaste Management Marketing TechniquesCost-Effective Marketing for Waste ServicesLocal Magazine Advertising for Waste BusinessesSustainable Waste Management Marketingsam barrilisamuele barrilimarketing agencydirect response marketingmarketing for wastedigital marketingoffline marketingonline marketingdirect response marketing agency
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Sam Barrili

Sam Barrili I'm known as the go-to guy for helping waste management companies execute growth strategies I started my journey in this field in 2009 when I finished my degree in Toxicological Chemistry and joined a wastewater treatment company to develop its market. Since then, I helped dozens of waste management companies in America and Europe increase their annual profits by over 25 million dollars thanks to my SAM Method.

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