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Why People Undervalue Waste Management And What You Should Do To Transform Their Beliefs

February 08, 20243 min read

Since the beginning of time, waste management has been seen as something dirty and connected with unclean people.

That’s something that originated during the Roman Empire, and that seems to continue nowadays too.

But if you ask a person if they can live without a waste management service, initially, it will say yes, but one second later, it will say no.

Indeed, at the base of every community, there are 4 main essential services: freshwater, wastewater treatment, electricity/gas, and waste management.

A community without fresh water lives with terrible issues health issues.

A community without wastewater treatment lives with terrible health issues, a decrease in environmental quality, a decrease in life expectations, and more.

A community without electricity/gas has many issues affecting life quality and expectations.

A community without waste management lives health issues, a decrease in life quality, a decrease in environmental quality, a decrease in jobs, a decrease in production facilities, and more.

Start seeing your role from this perspective. You’ll immediately understand how important your role is for the development of your community, even if you are not acting directly on it.

But what happens when you act directly on it?

Let me share what I shared this afternoon with Michael, the founder of ClimateCon!.

I started sharing with him how creating circularity, starting from small steps, will improve the quality of life of citizens. Indeed, when people know that their waste is valued, they don’t throw it away or leave it on the streets.

But that’s only the beginning.

If the waste is valued, it means that someone can generate profit starting from it. And that’s the aspect that involves waste management and recycling facilities. By creating a collaboration between a waste company and a recycling facility, it is possible to share part of the value that the recycling facility is able to pay with the citizens that bring the waste in the right way.

If the recycling facility receives more waste, it can create more jobs by hiring local people. It means that it improves the life’s quality of the citizens of the community. If jobs are connected with waste recycling, people avoid throwing away waste and manage it carefully, avoiding dispersing waste.

Once this circle works, the community starts to grow, meaning it needs schools, services, supermarkets, and more.

What do they generate?

More waste.

And your waste management continues to grow, helping the growth of local recycling facilities that, thanks to the fact that they process materials, can supply production facilities interested in secondary raw materials.

It supports the creation of production plants.

It means more jobs.

More jobs means more money.

And that’s the real loop to close.

That’s the loop that you contribute to creating and closing as a waste management company owner.

For that reason, waste management is so important.

It’s the only one of the 4 main essential services able to transform the life leftovers into something able to change a community.

Don’t forget it!

Be the change!


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Sam Barrili

Sam Barrili I'm known as the go-to guy for helping waste management companies execute growth strategies I started my journey in this field in 2009 when I finished my degree in Toxicological Chemistry and joined a wastewater treatment company to develop its market. Since then, I helped dozens of waste management companies in America and Europe increase their annual profits by over 25 million dollars thanks to my SAM Method.

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